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¿Cómo avanzar en los nuevos neuroderechos y en su regulación?

2021, Barcia Lehmann, Rodrigo, Bedecarratz Scholz, Francisco, Contreras Vásquez, Pablo, Díaz Fuenzalida, Juan, Díaz Tolosa, Ingrid, Espinoza Rausseo, Alexander, López Hernández, Hernán Alfonso, Lucas Garin, Andrea, Rivas Alberti, Jhenny, Peredo Rojas, Marcela Inés, Ruz Lártiga, Gonzalo

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¿En qué sentido es objetiva la noción de incumplimiento del soft law?

2019-06, Barcia Lehmann, Rodrigo, Rivera Restrepo, José Maximiliano

La presente investigación tiene por finalidad analizar el incumplimiento en el soft law a la luz de los nuevos postulados objetivos en torno a la culpa (o lo que se denomina como criterios de imputabilidad objetivos). Las conclusiones ponen en tela de juicio que realmente exista una gran diferencia en cuanto al incumplimiento y la culpa en el sistema de derecho de remedios de soft low; y lo que se ha denominado como derecho tradicional de los contratos. Se revisaran ciertos textos de soft low que han contribuido a cambiar el paradigma en la Europa continental y en América Latina, pasando de un sistema basado en la culpa subjetiva a una noción de culpa objetiva que influye en el cumplimiento especifico y en la indemnización de perjuicios. El método de trabajo propuesto es el propio de las ciencias jurídicas: el análisis exhaustivo de doctrina y jurisprudencia , principalmente españolas.

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Analysis of the Digital Transformation Policies of Microenterprises in the Latin American Region: the Cases of Colombia and Chile

2023, Barcia Lehmann, Rodrigo, Martínez Cárdenas, Betty

This paper aims to understand the nature and implications of digital transformation policies for microenterprises in the Latin American region, particularly in the cases of Colombia and Chile. Indeed, due to the pandemic caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which caused the COVID-19 disease and the movement restriction measures in 2020, the digital transformation of micro-enterprises became even more urgent. This urgency is due to both the need to reactivate the economy and how internally regulate Sustainable Development Goal No. 9 (SDG9). To this end, Chile and Colombia have transplanted into domestic legislation a whole set of policies that have accelerated the use of technology. In particular, we analyze what the future holds for small businesses or how public policies would help to incorporate new technologies and effectively comply with SDG 9. Our thesis is that in order to achieve effec-tive regulation in the promotion of emerging technologies so that they can be used to reduce transaction costs and externalities with respect to small companies, the transposition of SDG9 is insufficient. This study uses the method of Comparative Law to analyze some of the changes generated in Chile and Colombia with respect to small companies and will critically analyze the technique of transposing the SDGs. The new technologies can serve to work legislatively and jurisprudentially on these two market failures and the consequences of this deserve reflection in comparative law. © 2023, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico. All rights reserved.