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Teaching and learning law and artificial intelligence in Chile: On the minor in Artificial Intelligence and Law at the Universidad Autónoma de Chile

2021, Contreras, Pablo, Azuaje Pirela, Michelle, Bedecarratz Scholz, Francisco, Bozzo Hauri, Sebastián, Finol González, Daniel, Díaz Fuenzalida, Juan

The paper addresses the penetration of new technologies in the Chilean legal profession, in order to explain the curricular innovation of the minor in artificial intelligence and law (IA+D), according to its learning outcomes. From this, it examines each subject that composes the IA+D minor, from a double point of view: the justification for the inclusion of each subject and its structuring oriented to the fulfillment of the expected profile with the approval of all the subjects of the minor. After this review, the text concludes with the challenges of implementing a curricular program of this nature at the undergraduate level.