• Article

      Agricultural impacts on lowland tropical streams detected through leaf litter decomposition (2024) 

      Pérez, Javier; Boyero, Luz; Raquel Tuñón, Ana; Checa, Brenda; Correa-Araneda, Francisco; Guerra, Alisson; Tuñón, Anyi; Castillo, Dania; Pérez, Edgar; García, Gabriela; ... (Elsevier B.V., 2023)
      Stream ecosystems are highly vulnerable to changes in land use and vegetation in their catchments for two reasons: firstly, they receive inputs of nutrients, contaminants and sediments through runoff; and secondly, terrestrial ...
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      Environmental determinants of COVID-19 transmission across a wide climatic gradient in Chile (2021) 

      Correa-Araneda, F. J.; Ulloa-Yáñez, Alfredo; Núñez, Daniela; Boyero, Luz; Tonin, Alan Mosele; Cornejo, Aydeé; Urbina, M. A.; Díaz, María Elisa; Figueroa-Muñoz, Guillermo; Esse, Carlos (Nature Research, 2021-12)
      Several studies have examined the transmission dynamics of the novel COVID-19 disease in different parts of the world. Some have reported relationships with various environmental variables, suggesting that spread of the ...
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      High sensitivity of invertebrate detritivores from tropical streams to different pesticides (2021) 

      Cornejo, Aydeé; Encina-Montoya, Francisco; Correa-Araneda, F. J.; Rovira, Dalys; García, Gabriela; Nieto, Carlos; Villarreal, Víctor; Jaramillo, Nicomedes; Pérez, Edgar; Valderrama, Anayansí; ... (Academic Press, 2021-06-15)
      Freshwater organisms are often sensitive to pesticides, but their sensitivity varies across different taxa and with pesticide type and action mode, as shown by multiple acute toxicity tests. Such variability hampers ...
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      Microplastic concentration, distribution and dynamics along one of the largest Mediterranean-climate rivers: A whole watershed approach (2022) 

      Correa-Araneda, F. J.; Pérez, Javier; Tonin, Alan Mosele; Esse, Carlos; Boyero, Luz; Díaz, María Elisa; Figueroa, Ricardo; Santander-Massa, Rodrigo; Cornejo, Aydeé; Link, Oscar; ... (Academic Press Inc., 2022-06)
      Microplastics (MPs) have been recognized as one of the most ubiquitous environmental pollutants globally. They have been found in all ecosystems studied to date, threatening biological diversity, ecosystem functioning and ...
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      Warming overrides eutrophication effects on leaf litter decomposition in stream microcosms (2024) 

      Pérez, Javier; Cornejo, Aydeé; Alonso, Alberto; Guerra, Alisson; García, Gabriela; Nieto, Carlos; Correa-Araneda, Francisco; Rojo, Diana; Boyero, Luz (Elsevier Ltd, 2023)
      Several human activities often result in increased nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) inputs to running waters through runoff. Although headwater streams are less frequently affected by these inputs than downstream reaches, ...