• Article

      Agricultural impacts on lowland tropical streams detected through leaf litter decomposition (2024) 

      Pérez, Javier; Boyero, Luz; Raquel Tuñón, Ana; Checa, Brenda; Correa-Araneda, Francisco; Guerra, Alisson; Tuñón, Anyi; Castillo, Dania; Pérez, Edgar; García, Gabriela; ... (Elsevier B.V., 2023)
      Stream ecosystems are highly vulnerable to changes in land use and vegetation in their catchments for two reasons: firstly, they receive inputs of nutrients, contaminants and sediments through runoff; and secondly, terrestrial ...
    • Article

      High sensitivity of invertebrate detritivores from tropical streams to different pesticides (2021) 

      Cornejo, Aydeé; Encina-Montoya, Francisco; Correa-Araneda, F. J.; Rovira, Dalys; García, Gabriela; Nieto, Carlos; Villarreal, Víctor; Jaramillo, Nicomedes; Pérez, Edgar; Valderrama, Anayansí; ... (Academic Press, 2021-06-15)
      Freshwater organisms are often sensitive to pesticides, but their sensitivity varies across different taxa and with pesticide type and action mode, as shown by multiple acute toxicity tests. Such variability hampers ...