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dc.contributor.authorNúñez-Montero, Kattia
dc.contributor.authorLeal, Karla
dc.contributor.authorRojas-Villalta, Dorian
dc.contributor.authorCastro, Macarena
dc.contributor.authorLarronde, Carolina
dc.contributor.authorWagenknecht, Lisbeth
dc.contributor.authorContreras, María José
dc.description.abstractStudies on the bacterial composition of seminal samples have primarily focused on species isolated from semen and their effects on fertility and reproductive health. Culture-independent techniques, such as 16S rRNA gene sequencing and shotgun metagenomics, have revolutionized our ability to identify unculturable bacteria, which comprise >90% of the microbiome. These techniques allow for comprehensive analysis of microbial communities in seminal samples, shedding light on their interactions and roles. In this study, we characterized the taxonomic diversity of seminal microbial communities in healthy stallions using 16S rRNA gene sequencing. Semen samples were collected from four stallions during the reproductive season, and DNA was extracted for sequencing. The results revealed a diverse array of bacterial taxa, with Firmicutes, Bacteroidota, and Proteobacteria being predominant phyla. At the family and genus levels, significant variations were observed among individuals, with individual variability in microbial richness and diversity standing out. Moreover, each stallion showed a distinct microbial fingerprint, indicating the presence of a characteristic microbial core for each stallion. These results underscore the importance of considering individual microbial profiles in understanding reproductive health and fertility outcomes. © 2024 Elsevier Ltdes_ES
dc.description.sponsorshipANID; INICIACION; FONDECYT INICIACION; FONDECYT, (11240632, 11230475)es_ES
dc.publisherElsevier B.V.es_ES
dc.subject16S rRNA gene sequencinges_ES
dc.subjectNanopore sequencinges_ES
dc.subjectStallion spermes_ES
dc.title16s gene metagenomic characterization in healthy stallion semenes_ES

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